Leiyatel's Embrace by Clive S. Johnson
Leiyatel's Embrace by Clive S. Johnson


The story opens with the ever faithful and a touch more worldly (at least more so than other inhabitants of Galgaverre) Pettar delivering a mysterious message to Nephril. The journey that takes him from his solitary existence atop the Graywyse Defence Wall to another world in The Lost Northern Way is almost as fascinating as the inner transformation that occurs to him in the process. Let me state right at the beginning that my heart goes out to Lord Nephril, the long-lived Master of Ceremonies to the many kings of Dica. It is more fast-paced than Leiyatel’s Embrace with many of the cast of characters of the first novel returning in an attempt to figure out what the heck is going on in their land and is there a way to fix it. Johnson’s second installment in the Dica series is a delight. So stick around because after my Of Weft and Weave review are some answers I think you’ll find fascinating. Ever since I read and reviewed the first book in this series, Leiyatel’s Embrace, I’ve been wanting to ask Mr. In fact, throughout the print books he has scattered beautiful pencil drawings of his own.


The covers and artwork are all done by the author Clive S. A tale that will enthral, and that will stay with the reader for a long time-a very long time, indeed.As you can see from the series image cover, The Realm of Dica Series is rich, complex and vast. In a subtle and enchanting way, it explores much of the mystery of life itself.This is most certainly an epic tale, a tale that ineluctably draws to a thrilling, strange, and totally surprising climax. From vast vistas to exquisite detail, the castle and its realm are brought vividly to life, as though the reader has walked through its wonders in the company of close friends.Although largely a tale of mystery, it's also laced with constant surprises: the conflict between man and nature, the often wry and ironic clash of monarchy and republic, and the humour, pain and pathos of characters at odds with each other or touchingly close. They also discover that there may very well be a way of renewing Leiyatel, and so restoring Dica.Their journey proves far from straightforward, though, full of surprising twists and turns, and all within a world rich in the awe-inspiring and the downright weird.


As the king has lost his mind, who can then be expected to defend it when a wholly unexpected invasion threatens, and when no one can even remember when Dica last had any need of an army?This story follows those idiosyncratically unique characters who rise to the challenge, who seek a solution amidst the vast and convoluted spread of the castle, and in so doing, uncover much about Dica's history and about themselves. Only the inevitable fall of the realm lies ahead. Leiyatel, the once-invincible power of the vast and ancient castle realm of Dica, has long been weakening, leaving the castle to slumber on through its twilight years.

Leiyatel's Embrace by Clive S. Johnson